One of the best selling cigars in the United States, ACID cigars by Drew Estate is a huge collection of distinct unqiue smokes all catering to a certain taste and aroma setting them apart from each other. Sharp spices, decadent botanicals, and 150+ nature oils are used to create the vast array of cigars available. The Nicaraguan Cuban-seed long filler is cured for months, letting out the oils ACID brands exclusive trait. The tobacco leafs are cured in sections called cuarto aromaticos (meaning aroma rooms) for a period of time lasting months before rolling begins. The rooms themselves are filled with the 150+ oils, herbs, and botanicals infusing massive flavor into every cigar. With over 20 variations to choose from, there’s no reason not to love ACID cigars. Something sweet like a coffee or even a cola would complement the sweet flavor of each ACID smoke.