The Ideal Humidity for Cigars

Are you new to cigar smoking but often wonders the ideal humidity for cigars? Do you understand the effect of humidity on cigars to secure your cigars from spoilage? There are several factors that go into the care and maintenance of cigars, humidity being one of the most important. What is humidity? Humidity according to Encarta dictionary is the amount of moisture in the air. It can also be defined as the condition of having

But what is humidity? Humidity, according to Encarta dictionary, is the amount of moisture in the air. It can also be defined as the condition of having a high amount of moisture in the air.

Cigars of different kinds are affected by humidity, and this post is made to offer you information about the ideal humidity for cigars.

What Does Humidity Do For Cigars?

There are lots of significant effects of humidity on cigars which make most cigar dealers search for possible means of storage that will help preserve their cigars. Your cigars will remain fresh when you can find the exact amount of moisture in the air that will be suitable for it.

The two major areas where humidity normally affects cigars are burn and taste. When cigars are exposed to high humidity, it commonly affects the burning rate. The cigar will not be able to burn very well in high humid environments. Also, the increase in humidity is caused by the growth of fungi on the cigar resulting in a change in taste. For that reason, to ensure your cigar burns regularly, taste normal and also remain fresh, you need to keep it in an environment with controlled humidity.

For that reason, to ensure your cigar burns normally, taste normally and also remain fresh, you need to keep it in an environment with controlled humidity.

What Do You Use To Humidify Cigars?

To ensure your cigars remain fresh and taste great, you have to try as much as possible to ensure that it is well humidified. But the question is what do you use to humidify your cigar? It is simply a humidor. A humidor is a room or box designed with controlled humidity for storage of cigarettes, cigars or even a pipe tobacco. Those that want to store their cigars for private use normally use

A humidor is a room or box designed with controlled humidity for storage of cigarettes, cigars or even a pipe tobacco. Those that want to store their cigars for private use normally use a small wooden box that can hold some cigars. But, cigarette dealers normally have a walk-in humidor which is a room with controlled humidity.

With the help of humidor, you will always have your cigarettes fresh and great. The taste of your cigars will remain fresh even after several days, weeks, months and even years.

What Is the Ideal Humidity for Cigars?

For you to be sure of the effective use of humidor to preserve and protect your cigars, you must first know the ideal humidity for cigars. The humidor is designed with a stable humidifying system that helps to ensure the surrounding air as well as the cigars to remains moist.

To ensure that your cigars remain humid and fresh, it is expected to be inside a humidor with ideal relative humidity of about 68% to 72%. Nevertheless, this can still vary greatly depends on the preference of cigar smoker.

Most of the electronic humidifiers sold in the market come with 68% to 72% relative humidity.