Cigar Standard » Products » CASA MAGNA
What happens when two cigar tycoons join forces to create not just an ordinary cigar but a masterpiece? Casa Magna Cigars is the child of both Manuel Quesada and Nestor Plascencia, a couple of passionate cigar lovers who set out and produced what they thought would be the perfect cigar. Straight out of the Dominican Republic, they achieved their goal of making a well balanced full-bodied product that is welcomed in everyone humidor room around the globe. Casa Magna uses a hard to find, oily Cuban-seed ligero leaf wrapper filled with only the best tobacco from different regions in Nicaraguan. Notes of pepper, cedar, cocoa, and nuts are all present to compliment the fine even burn that creates an aroma of tangy spice. Thanks to the precise workmanship from the famous Segovia Cigar Factory, Casa Magna is one of the boldest on the market and shows no signs of stopping. Different achievements flood the Casa Magna’s record as they were rated #1 cigar in 2008 by Cigar Aficionado as well as producing several high rated cigars such as the Casa Magna Colorado which is rated at 93. Medium to full bodied strengths are available on numerous brand lines such as “Domas Magnus II Optimus” and “Domas magnus II Tiberius”. Pick out any Casa Magna and accompany it with scotch on the rocks for a cool refreshing relaxation.