Cigar Standard » Products » H. UPMANN
Literally one of the oldest cigar brands still alive today, H. Upmann Cigars is the creation of brothers August and Hermann Upmann in 1844. Starting in Havana, this brand is credited with the use of cedar boxes for holding cigars. Having such a widely used impact in the cigar industry boosted their reputation into legendary. But of course their cigars do the talking and with great justification. Recently revamping their whole brand, even their cigar insignia; they intend to last even longer. Some of the best blends out of the Dominican Republic are used in H. Upmaan Cigars, boasting a fresh handmade technique unrivaled by any brand. Even though H. Upmann Cigars has been around forever, they show zero signs of slowing down. Many dimensions are available in their library of cigars lines, including their best seller the “1844 Reserve”. When it’s time to smoke and relax, a great wine is welcomed .