Cigar Standard » Products » PADRON
Since 1964, the Padron family has been making some of the most robust and bold cigars to ever come out of Nicaragua. Originally from Miami, Florida, they’ve relocated to Nicaragua for much better authentic quality. Every cigar is made with a different technique or method to set them apart. The 1964 series uses four-year old tobacco to create a buttery smooth smoke while the 1926 line uses five-year aged leaves to create a hearty taste and smoke. The Family reserve series is forged with uniquely cured leaves aged 10 whole years for a taste like no other. Swimming in an ocean of “90+” ratings, Padron is seen as Nicaraguan cigar royalty around the globe.
The crown jewel of the Padron Cigar line is their “Family Reserve” which has been highly rated and respected. Having used 10 year aged tobacco, can you really go wrong?