Product Description
Padron is a legendary name in the world of premium handcrafted cigars, known for its unwavering commitment to quality, tradition, and excellence. They have consistently produced some of the most coveted and highly regarded cigars in the industry. Padron offers a diverse range of cigars, each with its unique character and flavor profile, catering to the discerning tastes of cigar enthusiasts. From the full-bodied powerhouses to the more nuanced and balanced options, Padron provides an exceptional smoking experience for every palate.
Additional Information
Manufacturer | PADRON |
Shape | Torpedo |
Size | 5.5 x 52 |
Line | 1926 SERIES |
Quantity | 10 |
Wrapper | Nicaragua |
Binder | Nicaragua |
Filler | Nicaragua |
Taste | Medium-Full |
Strength | Medium-Full |
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